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Friday, April 4, 2014

Hi Fridge.

Had a random meet up w Aaron and Siwei to Wala to pass Simon his poster for his previous event at City Music.

I was damn surprised w the band of the night at Wala, the Unexpectedrock! They played old heavy music for the entire night. Shirlyn, the vocalist of the band rly amazed me w her pretty face, and that mad amazing rock voice\m/ You should visit Wala on Thursday to check her and the band out, you will definitely be like, "fuck, Singapore needs more of this good musicians".

I was almost deaf when we left, but it was totally worth it.

Few days back I asked a friend, "what s the best thing that happened to you".

Then I realized, I have to crack my brain for an answer myself. Guess what Ive got? Firstly, having nice good helpful humans around me, and secondly, me picking up drums years back. Oh yea, and playing on stage for the first time w Heimuke (though I was that horrible)! Well, I guess if I am better, whacking away, enjoying myself, that would then be the bestest thing that happened to me.

Talking about having nice good helpful humans around me being one of the best thing that happens to me, my friend replied, "not for me, because I take humans for granted".

I guess every single one of us definitely take humans for granted some of the times, including me. Taking humans for granted, I might be one of the worst. Despite the fact that I do love some of the humans around me, but I still wont appreciate nor care enough, knowing that they will always be there for me, especially family. Someone used to ask me, "do you realized that we re treating humans whom is not related to us better (friends/ boyfs/ girlfs) than those who are blood related to us". I cant agree more, it s true to most of us (I guess?), it s true to me. Or maybe that s just one of the nature of being a human?

Whatever. To me, caring or appreciating is magic. I never believe that humans are always kind caring and appreciating, just like I dont believe that angels nor unicorns exist.


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