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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Hello Fridge/ Typewritter.

Omg, 365days have just passed. What have I done? Had my hair cut to the shortest length ever, participated in Earth Hour, getting to know amazing people, at the same time losing some that are meant to be passerby (I guess). Graduated and got my degree, found a job through a friend and have managed to stay for 9months so far (w all the rantings and shit which is still on going). Ended my drums lesson (sadly), but managed to learn a few songs by myself through Youtube, started gyming w my bitches (not enough motivation though), took a photo w Kang Gary and got the most likes on Ig (they like Kang Curry, not me, sucks), worked for F1. Started my driving lessons, and I am fucking looking forward to get my driving licence. Earn my first flight ticket to HongKong, sister got married (finally). Bought my second ticket to BKK w my bitches (it was crazy). Getting in contact w the secondary bunch, went to Jb (yes, for the first time w friends), went for Jay Chou s concert (the new sports hub sucks).

Looking at those, doesnt seem that Ive accomplish much. But Ive learn quite a bit, especially when Im away from my family, at work, and from people I got to know, and left. In fact it was quite a lot to absorb, so as to not repeat what shouldnt in the next 365days.


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