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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Too busy to type recently.

(I look damn ugly and weird in this picture, but wtv.. this is the only picture we took w them.)

I Want A Fashion Blog event w the double A(s), Andrea and Amanda last weekend! It was an inspiring workshop early in the morning, learning about how Fashion Bloggers maintain their Blogs, Photography Techniques they used while shooting, and also Marketing and PR.

I am interested in writing a Blog, but as usual, Im bad w language/ words, basically English, so forget about that. Ive got really huge interest in Photography, as well as Marketing and PR. I love taking pictures of anything that I love, and random things that catches my eyes. So far, I rly love all the pictures Ive taken. They may not be as good as those shot by professional photographers, but Im pretty satisfied w my own so far. I wna take pictures of human beings, and I find that really difficult. I wna take picture of human s feelings, expression, and their thoughts. Im still figuring that out by taking pictures of myself, but so far, no good ones.. haha. That sucks:/

Marketing and PR, something that relates to what I learned in my university, something that dares me to talk a little bit more as compared to last time. Something that open me up, and made me more sociable today. The important points that I learned about Marketing and PR are, engagements, networking and creating your own identity.

Engagement, being able to engage with your readers/ audience, through the words or the pictures that you re posting. Networking, I guess it s the connection you have with people. I think networking, and connection is important throughout one s life, whether it s online or real life. It reflects a lot about your personality. Someone used to say this to me "be nice to everybody who step into our lives, cause you ll never know that one day you might need them desperately". I do agree that we ve to be nice to people, and of course give them a helping hand as long as it s within our limits. But I never believe that there are people who are always nice, like angels. I mean, angels dont exist anyw, they are just fairytales, to me. So yes, be nice.. but dont try too hard by faking it.

"There are devilish thoughts even in the most angelic minds" - Rachel Wolchin.

Lastly, creating your own identity. I like this one, cause I guess Ive got my own identity too; jadeysinthefridge. I guess creating your own identity is a name that people know you as. It can be your real name, or it can also be a name you ve created for yourself online which people know about. Well, I am happy that w/o realising, jadeysinthefridge have became my identity to people I know, and also to people whom I dont know (friends' friend, or even strangers, maybe). I get things like, "oh you re the girl in the fridge", "are you the girl in the fridge", "she s jadeyinthefridge right" when I met new people. Not always, but sometimes, and that is enough to make me happy, haha. It s like, I didnt expect people to know me as jadeysinthefridge, it was an identity I created years back, and nobody rly bothers other than my friends who follows me on Twitter and Instagram, hence Im rly surprise. I guess any one would definitely be happy knowing that someone whom you dont know, know your existence right?

Was rly motivated, and an idea popped in my head right after the entire event. Not sure if I am able to make it happen, but you never try, you ll never know right?

Lets wait and see;)

It was rly stressful job hunting the last few months. I didnt expect that it would be so difficult for a fresh graduate to look for w job, like srsly! Well, thanks to a friend, I got a job (yea, that s connection, haha). Being in the company for a month plus, Ive finally decided to go for the job. If you ask me, I would say, it s an interesting job, and the environment is definitely what one would crave for at work. Ive learn a lot so far, and Im really thankful for the opportunity, and allowing me to learn things that I have no experience in before. Really appreciates the patience and the guidance they re giving me. Looking forward to journey ahead in the company, w these bunch of lovely colleagues:)

Ive got more to type, but its late alr, gona head to bed. Goodnight humans.


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