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Sunday, October 27, 2013

A random meet up w Bin to tour around the North East Singapore, exploring and capturing things that I fell in love with.

Our first stop was; Little India.

Pass by Mustafa, and the urge of wanting to walk in was so strong, but I resisted as it was too crowded on a Sunday noon. Took a break at Farrer Park s City Square for a bite, and walk down to Jalan Besar Road. Had Swee Choon for dinner, the well know Dim Sum in Town. It was my second time here, and my impression changed, I fell in love with it:)

As we continue our journey down, I looked up and saw these olden days shop houses' windows. They look old, yet pretty.

A random door, with some chinese decorations and a old school letter box.

A bike shop that displays 100 over colorful helmets.

The second door, with a smaller old school letter box. I really love these letter box, love.

Just outside a 7-11. Because of the doors(yes its the doors again), the whole 7-11 looked so old school, and these toy machine reminds me of the excitment when I was a kid.

These 20cents rides are extinct in my area, and I really miss them. The horse one was my favorite.

A shop house that sells old radios, DVD players, speakers, and really old CDs.

Walked pass this uncle, digging away from the dustbin. I dont really know how to express my feeling of this scene, but I just hope that he has a place to stay, food to eat and someone there to put a smile on his face.

Traditional Indian Kuey, they look like theyre too sweet for my tooth.

While we're reaching Bugis area, we pass by this huge patch of grass with trees, street lights and buildings in the background and she decides to jump and touch the sky. Happiness was that simple.

Just wanted to drop by Beat Merchants to see what have it turn into..... and yes, the whole stretch of shop houses was under renovation, and its going turn into a Hotel. I happened to look up the sky again, and saw that the studios' sign board was still there:) Glad that I managed to catch this before it's totally gone. A place with memories.

Back doors in the alley along Haji Lane.

Found this old school toy shop that sells all the toys people played in the 70s, 80s, and the 90s. I wonder where they got them from.. love the shop.


Jackpot Machine.

Forth door that caught my attention. Friends commented that this looks like a haunted house, haha.. but I find it special. I guess its the color, I seldom see green doors, and it looks interesting to me.

Fifth door. Red, black and brown, its a male fashion shop house upstairs. Its old yet cool.

Favorite shot of the day. Its a female vintage fashion shop house. Totally love the whole idea and design of this shop.

This is inside a vintage shop called; Grammah, and they dont allow photo taking, but I managed to take this before they stopped me:P They sell old school biscuits, and of course the very famous Tiramisu Hero. Bought one Tiramisu Hero to try, but it didnt turn out the way we expect it to be. Perhaps we should visit the main cafe itself.

Last but not least, this. I love how the color combination of this, turquoise blue walls and letter box, bright yellow, green and a rainbow pillow.

Im craving for more of such adventure.


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