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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Ever since that day everything got erased, I learn that visible words/ text msges meant nothing. Nothing at all, cause one day it will be gone.

But I know myself, what Ive said, what Ive wrote, I meant every single word, even when it s gone. Im not sure about others, but that s for me. Words have their own magical power, that could be combined with other words to create powerful spells. Or maybe only words that comes from people who has that magical power of making every word feels so powerful to you. It s a good thing if you know that these people will always be there, it s a bad thing if you know that their existance was only for a short period of time, and you can never guess when they will decide to leave you hanging all by yourself.

The only thing that s worst than losing someone, is losing yourself.

I wanted to ask so badly, like I always do, and I did. But I shouldnt. Ive held you down for quite sometimes, and Im srsly sorry, and thank you. You meant so much to me, and will always meant that much.

But the next one who has the ability like you, would definitely meant much more.


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