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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Waiting for a shitty text, missing that shitty face.

Wonder if you still remember that youll text me when you get back. Maybe you dont. Thats why youre a shitty friend.

Shit you, but Im still waiting.

November passes fast, and Im glad its over. Ive always love November, cause its the month that Im born in and various other reasons. But this year, I hated it. "Dont hate November.", I tried and failed. Everything just turned out rly hateful this particular month this year.

December came just like that. Now I missed November, or maybe more of what happened before November arrives. December is filled with thoughts, misses, and reflections.

University life have officially come to an end, and Im pretty thankful that throughout this journey I found a bunch of crazy friends, and of course two awesome lecturers. Thanks for every single thing, its definitely one that I consider fulfilling chapter of my life. Well and I hope that its not really an end, not to the friendship weve build thus far.

Ive got more to say, but Im rly bad with language, and words.

Time for bed. Im rly looking forward to weekends these days, cause theyre filled with music music and music. 


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