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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Have been sick since last monday, fever headache sorethroat flu, and now with additional of cough. You know, that feeling sucks.

I got better on the saturday, and I visited the 2Degree Ice Art w the polymates, and got it back again..... meh. I just got well, and I went to a 2Degree place..... I know right. Well I thought it was nothing, cause I didnt feel unwell after that, I only felt unwell yesterday morning. I took my temperature, and it was alright(37 something). So I went for my classes, and the journey sucks. I started feeling really cold, or rather freezing w really horrible headache.

During my first class, I was feeling bad, still freezing despite the fact that alfe off the air conditional. But I was still feeling alright, surviving. During my second class, it got worst. I dont know why, perhaps its the travelling on train that got me worst? I dont know. I reached there feeling like shit. My head was really hurting badly, and I couldnt really concentrate, but as usual I survived through, and cab home right after.

Reached home w the temperature of 38.9..... well done. Feeling h o r r i b l e. The temperature just keep going up, and not coming down, dont know what it want. Was so fcuking uncomfortable, even when I try to sleep. I felt better when I fall asleep, its the waking up part that was yucky. You know that, you feel that fcuking unwell feeling again. The entire body was so hot like I just came out from the oven, yet Im feeling so cold like I really stay in the fridge, and the head hurt so badly like I bang it against the wall several times; h o r r i b l e.

Woke up this morning feeling a little better; fever sorethroat flu and cough. Yes, w/o the headache I really felt better. The headache was the worst monster ever. Fever was still high(38.6), flu and coughing away like free one. Its annoying, yes it is mad annoying.

Hopefully everything will be gone soon, really. Ive got work tomorrow, and I need to hang out on Christmas! Please dont let me stay home:(

Cross fingers.


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